Investment Strategy

Portfolio composition begins with a simple idea, such as allocating cash to a selection of venture deals to achieve a superior financial return. Distilling fundamentals to achieve that outcome, however, can lead to uncertain outcomes. Economic data may be subject to wide interpretation, the impact of government policy is often unclear, and industries may no longer respond to the same commercial circumstances that they once did. Faultless decisions are revealed only in hindsight.

Placeholder Adaptive Markets

This book fills an outsized gap in accepted financial-market theory. The MIT-based author makes the case that markets evolve, like biology, discounting the physics-envy that permeates most modern-day investment theory. His approach is particularly useful in trying to understand the…

Placeholder Perfect Weapon

No One Is Talking About This A Novel Patricia Lockwood This novel could not have been published a decade ago; the internet was not yet ingrained into our lives. In her first novel, the author has created a work that…