Global Industries

Whether in primary, secondary, or tertiary industries, companies are required to think and act strategically in cross-border markets. That reach is not just to pursue customers; it may also involve supply-chain development. Yet there are limits. One-off events—like the 2021 Suez Canal blockage—and extreme scenarios—such as the pandemic—emphasize unexpected hurdles. Risk-averse decisions by policymakers and corporate executives now reshape global trade.

Motion Pictures Once Seemed Fantastical

Thomas Edison may own the narrative about creating the first motion picture. The actual title, however, probably goes to the Frenchman Louis Le Prince. One reason why most have never heard of him is that Le Prince disappeared in 1890…

Placeholder Fabrics of Civilization

No One Is Talking About This A Novel Patricia Lockwood This novel could not have been published a decade ago; the internet was not yet ingrained into our lives. In her first novel, the author has created a work that…