Economic Diplomacy

Economic diplomacy safeguards the global marketplace. Will regulatory shifts impact trade activity? Can sanctions have a ricochet effect on an industry? Will government-policy decisions upend financial markets? The trend toward bilateral agreements, alongside shifting patterns of globalization, means that multilateral organizations may have less of an impact than they once did, but they remain potent in setting the pace of economic reform.

Energy Geopolitics Now Has a Primer

On the surface, The New Map would seem to be more about fossils fuels than emerging markets. Think again. The pursuit of oil wealth or the cost of energy resources are common threads across the developing world. Following in the…

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This book fills an outsized gap in accepted financial-market theory. The MIT-based author makes the case that markets evolve, like biology, discounting the physics-envy that permeates most modern-day investment theory. His approach is particularly useful in trying to understand the…

Placeholder Think Again affiliate link Think Again The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know Adam Grant Think Again argues that being open-minded is a recurring state, not a label. In a sense, the book is a capstone course in liberal arts…