Energy Geopolitics Now Has a Primer

On the surface, The New Map would seem to be more about fossils fuels than emerging markets. Think again. The pursuit of oil wealth or the cost of energy resources are common threads across the developing world. Following in the wake of The Quest and the Pulitzer-winning The Prize, Yergin has assembled voluminous analysis in this book that clarifies the priorities of energy-hungry China and the future of oil-dominated Russia, juxtaposed against the shale revolution in the United States.

Caught in the middle of those shifting geopolitics are the Gulf states and Iran, all of which are keenly aware of the dour outlook for their commodity-as-ATM economies. The key question for emerging markets everywhere is how they will respond to the knock-on effects of the diminishing oil economy? How will they embrace the ascent of electric vehicles and the impact of environmental priorities? At one time, the best starting point for emerging-markets studies was the Cold War. The new starting point may be fossil fuels.

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